Personal Information:
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Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Website or Facebook:
Date of Birth:
Gender: Female Male
Country of Residence:
Area of Study:
1 Year Certificate in Christian Service 2 Year Diploma in Christian Service & General Ministry Advanced Qualification in Biblical Study
Financial Aid:
Do you seek Financial Aid? Yes No
Do you seek a Y.E.S. Grant or Loan? Yes No
Note: Alpha Institute of Ministry does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, age, religion, marital status, disability, national or ethnic origin, or socio-economic status.
What is your highest level of education?
List the last schools attended, including location, date and qualifications:
Employment Experience:
List last three positions, including dates, employer, address and position. Start with current employment.
References are required as part of the admission process. Please give names and complete addresses of references.
Professional/Education Reference:
Character References:
Mail your $100 Application Fee to: Attn. Helen Desaine Office of the Registrar Alpha Institute of Ministry LP#4 Bedessie Street St Augustine, Trinidad & Tobago