Curriculum Development

The process of developing a specialized course offering was guided by AIM’s vision and mission and the written and published works of experienced and credentialed scholars. Dr. Raymond O. Corvin, DRE, PhD, during his long and prolific academic career developed ninety (90) Bible content courses for colleges and seminaries. Dr. Hollis L. Green, ThD, PhD, has written more than forty (40) textbooks for seminaries and graduate school programs appropriate for Christian scholars.

Dr. Subesh Ramjattan, DHL, an effective businessman and Christian entrepreneur, has developed a theology of the disadvantaged. His first book, The Anapausis Partnership, co-authored with his wife, Debra, catalogued much of his business and spiritual journey that established a model of philanthropy, mentoring, and coaching to improve the quality of life for the disadvantaged of all ages. This construct of ministry produced the Anapausis Community to service people of faith in their search for a better life, improved relationships, and ministry. This ministry includes a “quality of life” component shared with couples and individuals struggling with the normal adult difficulties and relationship issues in business and married life. An ongoing project is a four-stage development to serve the needs of the Elderly. Dr. Ramjattan’s present book, Doing God’s Work God’s Way was the impetus for the Alpha Institute of Ministry (AIM) at Anapausis to teach basic Bible content and essential elements of Christian service and leadership to the next generation of spiritual and moral leaders in the local church and community.

Below are the qualifications that support the curriculum development.

R. O. Corvin, DRE, PhD, Emeritus Professor

BA Newberry College
MA University of South Carolina
ThB Holmes Bible College
BD Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary
DRE Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
PhD University of Oklahoma

Hollis L. Green, ThD, PhD, Distinguished Professor of Education & Social Change

BA Southwestern Oklahoma University
BD/ MDiv, MEd, ThD Luther Rice Seminary
DMin studies, Fuller Theological Seminary
PhD Walden University
Post-Doctoral Studies: University of Cincinnati (Sociology); Pepperdine
University (Management); University of Oxford (Adult Ed.); Fuller
Theological Seminary (Church growth).

Subesh Ramjattan, DHL

Businessman and Christian Entrepreneur
Bachelor of Studies (B.St.) OASIS University
Doctor of Humane Letters (DHL), OASIS Institute of Higher Learning