Course Schedule—YEAR ONE
Certificate in Christian Service
YEAR 1: Semester One [9] Semester Credits
• NT 101 -- Narratives on the Life of Jesus: A study of Mark, Matthew, and John (5 cred-its)
• MIN 101 – Hermeneutics: Learning how to study and interpret the written Word. [2 cred-its] Textbook: Interpreting an Author’s Words
• MIN 102 – Discipleship: Learning the basic steps in following Christ. [2 credits] Text-book: Discipleship
YEAR 1: Semester Two [12] Semester Credits
• NT 102 -- Letters to Theophilus: A study of the writings of Luke (5 credits)
• NT 103 -- Letters to Believers in Churches: A study of Paul’s letters to churches -- I and II Thessalonians, Galatians, I and II Corinthians, Romans, Colossians, Ephesians, Phi-lippians (5 credits)
• MIN 103 – Spiritual Progress Priorities: Learning the basics about personal ministry. [2 credits] Textbook: Doing God’s Work God’s Way
• MIN 104 – Leadership: Learning how to influence others to follow toward stated goals. [2 credits] Textbook: Shepherd Management and Servant Leadership
YEAR 1: Semester Three [9] Semester Credits
• NT 104 -- Relational Letters: A study of Paul’s letters to individuals -- Philemon, I and II Timothy, Titus, II John, III John (2 credits)
• NT 105 -- Letters to Scattered Believers: A study of letters to believers scattered throughout the Roman Empire –James, I and II Peter, Hebrews, Jude, I John, Revela-tion (3 credits)
• MIN 105 – Spiritual Warfare: Learning the strategy of Satan to both harm and hinder believers. [2 credits] Textbook: Fighting the Amalekites
• MIN 106 -- Internship: Candidate will accept a supervised placement with a local church of four months duration
Course Schedule—YEAR TWO
Diploma in Christian Service & Practical Mininstry
YEAR 2: Semester Four [11] Semester Credits
• OT 101 – Torah: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy (6 credits)
• MIN 201 -- Building Bible Messages: Understanding how to choose a topic and build a topical, textual, or expository message based on the Bible and present the message as a practicum. [3 credits] Textbook: How to Prepare Bible Messages
• MIN 202 -- Marriage and Family: Understanding how to choose a mate, learn from your mistakes, stay married, and teach others to break the cycle of dysfunctional relationships. [2 credits] Text-books: Remedial and Surrogate Parenting, & How to Build a Better Spouse Trap
YEAR 2: Semester Five [12] Semester Credits
• OT 102 – History 1: Joshua, Judges, Ruth (2 credits)
• OT 103 – History 2: I and II Samuel, I and II Kings, I and II Chronicles (6 credits)
• MIN 203 – Conversations with Friends: Understanding cross-cultural evangelism and exploring the principles for evangelism among monotheists. [2 credits] Textbooks: Dialogue and Interfaith Witness and Discipling Middle Eastern Believers.
• MIN 204 – Evangelism and Church Growth: Understanding how individuals and families are brought into the church and ways and means of growing a local congregation. [2 credits] Text-book: Why Churches Die
YEAR 2: Semester Six [12] Semester Credits
• OT 104 – History 3: Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job (2 credits)
• OT 105 – Poetry: Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon (5 credits)
• OT 106 – Prophecy 1: Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Lamentations (4 credits)
• MIN 205 -- Practicum: (Perquisite MIN 201) Candidate will develop a Bible-based message and present it to the class in a workshop format as work experience as part of study. [1 credit]
Advance Diploma in Biblical Study
All students who adequately complete the Diploma-level work will be given a Merit Scholarship in order to complete the Advance Qualification in Biblical Study Award.
Bonus Semester [10 Bonus Credits]
• OT 107 – Prophecy 2: Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah (3 credits)
• OT 108 – Prophecy 3: Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi (2 cred-its)
• MIN 206 – Reading the NT Chronologically: Textbook: The EVERGREEN Devotional New Testa-ment [5 credits]v